Kamal Sultan Villa
Client: Mr. Kamal Sultan
Location: Bida - Kwait
Services Provided: Design
Total Built-up Area: 2,400 m2
Construction Cost: US $ 2,500,000
Starting Date: 2002
Completion Date: 2003
Project Description:
2002 - Constraints of this long and narrow site inspired the arrangement of this house, where logic of one space relates to the logic of another, and this relationship creates a third “SPACE” which flows continuously throughout the house. In this house, an attempt is made to reinterpret Islamic design principles of Simplicity, Geometry and homogeneity to create a “sense of place” where it is good to live in today. Man and the harsh environment of Kuwait interact in such manner that each is influenced by the other, resulting in a set of interactive spaces and creating a sequential experience as one move through the house. The architectural image heightens this sense of interaction between while drawing from the architectural vocabulary the region’s heritage.